Sunday, September 21, 2008

How to Choose a Job or Career

If you're like many people, you may know that your existing job or vocation choice isn't right for you... yet, you may not know what else to do.

So in an endeavor to help you find the "ideal" job or career you may ask yourself, "what do I want to do?" But that question may do more hurt than good. Regrettably, you may not be able to come up with an answer that actually helps you... if you think of an answer at all.

Just keep in mind that you may not be talented to learn the whole thing from one career, job or company. And what you want to learn may change too.

On the other hand, for the time being at least, you know what you want to learn now... and which jobs or careers will allow you to learn it.

1 comment:

naukrigulf said...

The job or the career you choose should always compliment the interest you have with respect to your career. Whether it’s about having a job in Dubai or in India, you are sure to achieve great heights if you follow your heart even in your career.